Wild Animals

Wild animals are part of our habitat

Often hunted, disturbed and killed – wild animals do not have an easy life in our country, trailed by hunters, their living spaces cut through by streets, endangered by climatic catastrophes, they have to fight for survival on a daily basis.

But they have the same right to live as we all do. Every bird, every deer and every bunny is important. Just like wolves and other predatory animals, as they keep nature in balance, even though many do not want to accept that.

In the northwestern part of Lower Austria, the Waldviertel, there is the ‘Wild Animal Station Gföhl’, lead by Karin Brunner, who has made it her mission to rescue animals, give shelter to injured ones and nurse them back to good health. Fully recuperated animals are then released again.


Disabled animals also find a permanent new home here. Like the flightless buzzards, for which Robin Hood has built a new, generously designed facility.

The staff themselves constructed it with the help of Karin and her son, while Robin Hood funded the materials. Since then, the buzzards are living in a nice habitat and the front part of the enclosure can be used to house other injured wild animals.

It is important, that we preserve the environment not least for all wild animals, such as birds, mammals, insects and reptiles, but also respect these animals and show our appreciation for all living beings.

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