Romania- Animal Shelters in Reghin
For now more than ten years we have been supporting the animal shelter of Lidia Maier. The lady, who has turned 83 years old, takes care of stray dogs with her barren pension.
At first, the shelter was nothing but a piece of land, without a good fence and without enclosures. By now, we have turned it into an acceptable shelter, with large enclosures, a small house with a kitchen and a bathroom… We even managed to get an animal shelter car. Our veterinarian visits every afternoon to treat the animals and to check if everything is in order. The workers like the dogs and also know how to handle them. If there is time, they walk the dogs to the nearby river. But of course, there is still a lot of work to do here as well, time and time again.
Some years ago, the city administration opened another shelter there as well, actually on the neighbouring property, which also belongs to Lidia. She is leasing the property to the city. And that for good reason – she can keep an eye on the dogs and the workers and the veterinarian are shared.
No dogs are killed here, this is one of the fundamental conditions of the contract, which Robin Hood has with the city of Reghin.
There are roughly 400 dogs in both animal shelters and despite mediation, the number of dogs does hardly go down, as the dog catchers bring in new ones or people drop off their dogs there when they don’t want them anymore…
We try to stimulate mediation in the country, which partly works already. Also, we run a castration project, to which we have dedicated its own separate page here on our website.
We constantly try to improve the living conditions and the keeping of the dogs. We have expanded the enclosures in the municipal shelter, created sunroofs, built good kennels.
Nobody has to starve. another area where we help out. Moreover, twice a week, fresh food is cooked for them, a way of treating “our” dogs.
Nevertheless, many will probably have to stay here forever, especially the big, old dogs. We would like to be able to offer them a few nice sunset years and this is why we are starting to have ideas about a large piece of land, where we can let them live freely.
Moreover, “on the side”, we visit schools, show movies and hold animal welfare presentations. This is very important to us, as through this we are able to reduce future animal suffering – if the children understand, what it is about, we are going to have less abandoned animals and more understanding later.
A friendship connects us to Lidia Maier, the veterinarian and the workers, which is important and is only possible due to mutual respect and recognition of achievements.
But again, also here we are far from the perfect shelter if something like that even exists. But we keep hearing, that it is one of the best in Romania. We will strive to keep it that way in the future. With the help of our supporters.

Open day at Reghin animal shelters!
On October 7th, 2023 we had open day at the Reghin animal shelters, the municipal animal shelter as well as the private Fiducia animal shelter.
A successful day in the park of Reghin/Romania for animal protection!
Robin Hood has once again carried out an effective event to improve the lives of dogs in Romania. We drew attention to our adoption program

World Animal Day in Romania
We would like to take you on a little trip through Romania. A lot of things are changing for the better here, but a lot
First meeting with Lidia Maier
Construction of fences
City administration signs a lease contract and builds their municipal animal shelter
Electricity is installed in the shelter
Construction of new enclosures and a house
Setup of a sanitary container, where the veterinarian can work
Installation of water pipelines
New roofs are installed in the municipal animal shelter
Start with doing presentations at school
Building of a bathroom and installation of warm water in the house
Addition of new enclosures in the municipal animal shelter. New quarantine facility
Finished the construction of new enclosures for puppies
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